Angela Deakin Psychosexual Therapist, Sex Addiction Specialist
and Relationship Counsellor in Reading

Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is generally defined as sexual activity that feels out of control. This may be:
  • Compulsive masturbation
  • Compulsive pornography use
  • Paying for sex
  • Engaging in sexual activity online.
  • Multiple affairs.

    Just as with alcohol or drug addiction between the highs of sexual fulfillment come lows with many addicts feeling:
  • Shame
  • Remorse
  • Isolation
  • Anxiety
  • Regret
  • Powerless to change
  • Depressed and suicidal

    Specialist sex addiction therapy aims to help you:
  • Understand your Sex Addiction
  • Understand the cycle of your addiction
  • Reduce shame
  • Explore the underlying issues
  • Relapse prevention
  • Freedom from compulsivity
  • Commit to recovery
  • Healthy lifestyle

    I understand that getting help can feel like a big step especially if you have never told anyone else, but if you want to talk about it now then please get in touch:
    by phone: 07795570075
    By e-mail: .

Porn Addiction

The use of porn can be a problem if it stops you from functioning in your day to day life:
For example:
  • You are always late at work because you were unable to stop watching porn and get ready to go to work on time.
  • You don’t turn up to work and call in sick because you would rather continue watching porn.
  • You constantly avoid social occasions with friends because you prefer spending time with porn.
  • You organise your day schedule so that you can be alone at home to watch porn.
  • Porn is your primary way to cope with your emotions: you use porn when you feel sad, bored, anxious, stressed, happy, uncertain.
  • You constantly prefer to watch porn rather than have sex with your partner to the point where you feel uncomfortable having sex with your partner.
  • You feel irritated if your partner’s presence prevents you from watching porn.
  • You injure your penis because you have masturbated for too long or too hard.
  • You develop anxiety about your sexual performance.
  • You develop anxiety about the shape of your body and the size of your penis.
  • You are unable to stop despite significant negative consequences as a direct result of your porn use.

    My treatment model of porn addiction includes:
  • Behavioural approach to help identifying the levels of porn use and masturbation that is wanted from what is unwanted.
  • Learning new ways to self-soothe and cope with the negative feelings about life: stress, anxiety, feeling low, feeling bored, feeling unfulfilled, feeling bad.
  • Deep exploration of your sexuality.
  • Deep exploration of your core beliefs.
  • An examination of cognitive processes.
  • Re-instating balance in life.
  • Healing the possible trauma(s) underlying the roots of porn addiction.
  • Healing the romantic and sexual relationship that has been damaged by problematic porn use, if appropriate.
  • Re-integrating porn use into a diverse and fulfilling sexuality with self and others.

    I use specific psychological interventions to help people leave their porn addiction behind, permanently and change their lives positively.

My treatment for sex and porn addiction

I am a fully qualified sex and porn addiction therapist.

I believe in helping clients find and develop their own solutions using an integrative approach including:

  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Systemic Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    I also use specific knowledge informed by up to date research on sex and porn addiction. My treatment plan is compatible with the 12-step programs such as SAA and SLAA.

    Sex and porn addiction treatment includes:
  • Understand your Sex and Porn Addiction: we explore the roots of the problems, which often stems from childhood. We identify how to develops over the years so that you can become aware of your addiction cycle, including your behaviours and thought patterns.
  • Reduce shame: I employ a non-judgmental, non-biased approach to sexual behaviours and encourage you to be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Over time, we aim to reduce your shame and increase your sense of self.
  • Explore underlying issues: This may be the most difficult part of the treatment but an important part for permanent change. Underlying issues may be painful memories from childhood, including rupture in attachments or sexual traumas. Exploring and healing the pain from the past will help maintain adult well-being.
  • Relapse prevention: sex and porn addiction is notorious for relapse. It is an important part of treatment to construct a relapse prevention plan. This includes emotional identification, behavioural change, changing thought patterns, and accessing support. This can lead to freedom from compulsivity.
  • Commit to recovery: I help you with identifying a recovery plan with sexual behaviours that match your values. I encourage you to maintain your recovery in difficult times and overcome obstacles. It also involves learning or re-gaining intimacy with your partner.
  • Healthy lifestyle: maintaining a life free of sex and porn addiction requires a healthy lifestyle which includes: friendship network, hobbies, quality time with family, intimacy with your partner, work satisfaction, looking after your physical health, building a vision for the future.

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